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The world's first fully synthetic ATR training solution

Any threat.
Any bottom type

Clutter Generation

Search for arbitrary
3D objects

Train any machine learning algorithm

Multiple platform and sonar models

UxV mission simulation capability

High-level integration with MINTACS™


Collaboration with Exail and DST on ATR training

Collaboration with Exail and DST on ATR training 1

Mission Systems’ sonar simulation, and automatic labelling of arbitrary 3-D objects, will be used by Exail’s data scientists to develop more robust and higher performance neural networks for automatic target classification.

Read the full article in APDR

Collaboration with Exail and DST on ATR training 2
Collaboration with Exail and DST on ATR training 3
Collaboration with Exail and DST on ATR training 4

Mine burial and accretion simulation

Mine burial and accretion simulation 1
Mine burial and accretion simulation 2
Mine burial and accretion simulation 3
Mine burial and accretion simulation 4

Sample training images (Sonardyne SOLSTICE 750 kHz)

Sample training images (Sonardyne SOLSTICE 750 kHz) 1
Sample training images (Sonardyne SOLSTICE 750 kHz) 2
Sample training images (Sonardyne SOLSTICE 750 kHz) 3
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